Patricia Sorribas
febrero 27, 2013 en Group Members por psicologiapolitica

Bachelor in Psychology (National University of Cordoba). Master in Sociology (National University of Córdoba) with the project «The visibility of the conflict and collective subjects in the mediation of labor protest in Cordoba through the press». Ph.D in Psychology (National University of Cordoba) with the project: “Political participation: development of an explanatory model from the social cognition perspective”. Assistant professor of Social and Political Psychology (Political Science and International Relations Faculty – Catholic University of Cordoba). Main professor of the elective course: Politics and Identity (Psychology Faculty – National University of Cordoba). Assistant Professor of “Current Developments in Argentinean Political Psychology” (Psychology Faculty, National University of Córdoba). Assistant professor of Social Psychology (Psychology Faculty, National University of Córdoba). Ex -scholarship holder for Ph.D studies (Beca Interna de Posgrado Tipo II), National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET).
Member of the Studies Program of Collective Action and Social Conflicts (Centre for Research and Studies on Culture and Society – National University of Cordoba and CONICET). Member of the “Observatory of Labor and Socio-environmental conflicts in Cordoba” (UNC). Member of “Democracy and Citizenship in South America” (Centre for Advanced Studies – UNC). Member of the Political Analysis Argentinean Association.
Areas of Interest: individual and collective forms of political action and institutions of direct democracy. Values and attribution processes associate to political participation. Framing, media frame and collective action frames, urban social-segregation.